Sheep herd livestock

We count up to ninety (90) lactating ewes in our herd livestock. Our race of ewe is a result of East Friesian/Lacaune crossing. Annually, after the lambing period, our herb will grow from a hundred or more lambs. Assuming each ewe will give birth to one, or up to three, lamb. The mothers will nourish their babies for a few months. Female descendants will eventually replace older ewes. Forty kilos males will be sent to slaughter.  The meat is then sold at our Boutique in deep-frozen vacuum packed pieces. Our herd lives freely in the orchard. They are daily fed of grains, hey and apples. Raised on hey litter, their excrement is recycled as a natural fertilizer in the orchard.

Pre-lambing period is from October to December then the gestation period will last five months. Lambs will be nourished by their natural mother, or sometime adoptive mother, for a month before starting nourishing themselves with hey.